
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.” – Oscar Wilde

I know why you are here. You want to see if it is worth going through all the hassle of clicking the small follow button. A button which holds the potential to make my anonymous self, potentially famous online (Too far fetched a thought, I know).

Farfetch'd Thought (Very Punny, huh?)
Farfetch’d Thought (Very Punny, huh?)

This blog exists so that I can write and all of you can enjoy reading. That’s it. End of the short version. Go ahead, read a few posts, and if you like them, follow the blog. OR you could stick around for a detailed description.

Great! You are still here. Which means you want to know more about the blog.

Getting straight to it – The blog originally initiated when I started writing stuff which did not belong in my short stories or novels. I needed an outlet for those writings, and hence this blog was born! It became doubly beneficial since it made me write more frequently. And triply advantageous because I could experiment with my writing style.

So, if you stick around you will get to see a variety of posts. Ranging from fiction to non-fiction; from humorous to serious; from good to ba… er… not so good. Some might even be controversial to your beliefs but you don’t have to agree to them – you will just get to a broader perspective to life.

A Better Perspective
A Different Perspective

Bottom line is – it’s going to be fun (probably) and I am going to remain anonymous (definitely).

If you still are looking into more detail about the blog, you can click HERE. I know it seems like a click bait thing where I direct you to a blog post for views, but trust me — with as much trust you can instill in an anonymous blogger on the internet — it’s not about that (well, not completely). This post is where I got down to actually explain the blog and I am too lazy to write the stuff again.

Feel free to like, share, comment, criticize, look down upon, correct, commend and help out this blog.

And remember you can always communicate with me on theanonymoustalker@gmail.com. I have no idea why you would but you can.

PS – If you have commented on my blog I generally tend to reply quickly but if I don’t, it’s not that I hate you or your comment. It’s just that at times, I have an attention span of a bumble bee.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. LOL! I did the same. I wrote about why the blog name is Cocoa Evenings and I linked that post into my About page because I do not want to write again or increase the word count anymore on my About page.


  2. Liked it, and I’m “stalking” you.
    Why? because I want to learn how to write and you do it so well and also because as far as I keep reading everyone’s About page and tour their blogs I am studying/working/planning and still not do what I’m supposed to : my About page 😉


    • Thanks. I do write well.
      *laughs sheepishly to hide the fact that the about page has been changed 10 times already*

      What I mean to say is, we all have been there. From personal experience, the best way to write better, is to write more. Write gibberish, write bad, write things that don’t make sense (isn’t that the same as gibberish–but anyway). The bottom line is, keep writing (and reading).

      I have had people commend my writing but I am nowhere close to where I want to be as a writer. It’s still a long way to go; it’s always a long way to go. 🙂


  3. You are certainly entertaining. Glad you liked my Denying the Butterfly, or whatever else made you show up on my blog. Made a path for me to find you. You have me hooked. Now if I can find that follow button.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I found it. Turn about is fair play! Most of my stuff is quite short – very suitable for one with the attention span of a bumble bee. Not to brag but my long stuff is good too; however, I put it in pages rather than posts so you have to go there on purpose; I don’t hook and hang on and on and on – or maybe I do.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I truly love your site and want to recommend it to more people via the Blogger Recognition Award. I know not everyone participates in the awards system, and if you don’t, I completely understand. But you can find the details at http://wp.me/p6s2CE-8i if you’re interested. Either way, please take it as a sign of my regard for your fantastic writing! Seriously, I understand if you don’t even approve the comment for publication, but I still wanted to put your blog on my list of recommendations because seriously… fantastic writing!


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